B2C mobile application for a Startup in the US

In the realm of parenthood, fostering open and supportive communication with children is paramount. "Childcare" is a unique and innovative app designed to empower parents to engage in silent yet meaningful communication with their children while gaining insight into their lives. This extraordinary platform comprises two distinct sections: one for parents and one for children. On the children's devices, the app takes on the guise of their favorite cartoon characters, creating a trusted and familiar environment for interaction. Childcare employs a dynamic approach, randomly initiating conversations with the children to establish trust and friendship. Once the app is acclimated, it prompts children with simple call-to-action questions, inviting responses and enabling parents to stay attuned to their children's well-being. This groundbreaking app redefines the parent-child relationship by providing a platform for unobtrusive yet essential communication.


Communication between parents and children is a multifaceted challenge. In an increasingly digital world, ensuring that children feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and experiences with parents can be difficult. The challenge for Childcare was twofold:
Building Trust: The app needed to establish trust with children in a non-invasive manner. Trust was fundamental to encouraging open communication.
Effective Communication: Creating a platform for effective communication that invited children to share their feelings, experiences, and any concerns was crucial.


Txend’s custom software engineering team developed an innovative solution to address these challenges and redefine parent-child communication:
Engaging Interface: Childcare adopted a child-friendly approach by utilizing cartoon characters as the face of the app. This made the app familiar and friendly to children, facilitating the establishment of trust.
Randomized Interactions: The app initiated random conversations with children, acting as a friend. These interactions, built on trust, created a comfortable environment for open communication.
Call-to-Action Questions: Childcare prompted children with simple call-to-action questions, inviting responses. These questions served as a gateway for children to share their thoughts and experiences.
The result was an app that not only fostered meaningful communication between parents and children but also created a platform for children to express themselves in a comfortable and supportive environment. Childcare, powered by Txend’s custom software engineering, redefined parent-child communication by allowing parents to silently engage with their children’s lives, ensuring their well-being and happiness. This case study will explore how Childcare’s unique approach transformed parent-child relationships and set new standards in communication and support.


ReactNative, NodeJs, AWS, Microservices, Restful, 3rd Party Integrations, Google maps APIs